Collaborative Art (Quarantine Edition)


The year 2020 was a challenging one for the entire world due the pandemic and resulting quarantine time. At the end-of-the-year, I thought about proposing a collaborative art project that could bring together friends and family virtually.

Folks were to get together over video-conferencing and draw their art pieces individually or craft them offline, while sharing photographs of their art work to be combined later.


The following video was sent to 20 participants and provided directions on the collaborative project:

The next step would be for Rishi to combine submitted art work digitally into one final graphic.


After receiving submissions, the art leaves were combined to form a final art piece - having surprisingly unique three-dimensional geometric qualities to it that beautifully showcased everyone's talents.

The left/top image below is Rishi's own contribution, and the right/bottom image is the combined final piece with all 20 participants.

There is incredible hidden talent right next to us and even in the most trying of times, beautiful relationships and art can emerge.

For high-resolution prints or if you'd like guidance organizing this type of collaboration yourself, please contact Rishi.

Feedback from participants

Looks amazing Rish! Has a 3D effect and all the images blend together beautifully! So innovative! -Participant
Rishi beautiful collaborative art! Delighted to be accepted within this group of creative people. -Participant
This looks beautiful Rishi! Nicely done! All of them are so unique. -Participant
Damn, that turned out incredible! -Participant
Wow that's so pretty 😍 -Participant
Wow, its beautiful! -Participant
That's so cool! Glad to see something uplifting to end this sh*t week. -Participant
Wow!!!!!!! This is so so sooo beautiful Rishi!!!!! Unbelievable! I am going to print this out and put it up in my place!!!! -Participant
Creative Commons License
Art Collaboration (Quarantine-Edition) by Rishi Verma et al is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.